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Project Description:
We currently take care of over 650 miles of sidewalks. We will prioritize sidewalk repairs using bond funds based on a recent study that looked at the condition of all sidewalks in Durham. The study also showed that we need nearly $80 million in needed repairs throughout the city.
We will be prioritizing repairs based on the study, which considered historically disadvantaged neighborhoods, race, income, age, and households without vehicles. We will also consider areas that rely most on walking and other non-car transportation.
Bond Funding: $15,000,000
The $15 million from the bond, along with our regular annual funding of $10 million, will help us catch up on repairs faster. It will also help us avoid higher future costs by benefitting from current material prices.
Project Timeline:
Repairing approximately 20 miles of sidewalks will likely start in summer/fall 2025 and will take up to two years to complete.
Have questions? Reach out to us directly.